R908 – Arbres et rochers dans le parc du Château Noir, vers 1904 (FWN337)
Pavel Machotka
(Cliquer sur les images pour les agrandir)
Arbres et rochers dans le parc du Château Noir has a firm subject, one that pits hard forms against soft ones and saturated warm colors against cool ones; it seems to suggest a lesser degree of abstraction than the very simple curve in the road of La Route tournante en sous-bois. Cézanne respects and pays homage to the luminous rock and to the web of trees, which have their own dynamic thrust and balance, one that turns the whole scene clockwise away from the vertical; it is a striking subject. To paint it, Cézanne understandably emphasizes the linear outlines of the rocks and the trees, in this way preserving the most arresting aspects of the motif. What he can ask the touch to do is to portray the actual robustness of the rock and then lend the robustness to the green undergrowth and pine needles. There is a full-bodied, muscular unity to this painting; and there is, even more remarkably, the luminousness that Cézanne gives the cliff by balancing it with a dark, saturated sky.
Source: Machotka, Landscape into Art
Voir également Dans le parc du Château Noir.
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